Phone: 0033 983 795 995 

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Mentions legales

18/10/2021 : New workshop official opening in Ivry le Temple - Oise

60 guests, among whom, local elected officials, partners and subcontractors came to discover our new production tool

21/07/2023 : Long time no see!

We have been focused on projects for a while... Let's come back on our last activities :

- Delivery and installation of a Large EtO sterilization line in Germany capacity 17 pallets including preconditioning cells, sterilizer, vacuum degassing chamber and conveyor system
- FAT and delivery of a 8 US pallets EtO sterilizer in Portugal
- FAT of a 16 pallets EtO sterilizer to be installed in France
- End of qualification of a 12 pallets EtO sterilizer in Germany
- Revamping of a 4 pallets EtO sterilizer in Poland

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