FAT of our last turnkey project included two 8 pallets EtO sterilizers with preconditioning and desorption rooms, N2 generator and gas treatment system
Medica 2018 was a great success! Thanks for your visite.
We are pleased to inform that we will be present to MEDICA fair 2018 in Düsseldorf from the 12th to the 15th of November.
Gas treatment system : Triple stages Scrubber
Thank you for having visited us during Medica Fair 2017.
FAT of a 2m3 EtO sterilization unit.
Triple stage scrubber with 5m3 additional tank.
Steam pot prototype for 134°C field steam sterilization made for an international NGO.
Training of the sterilization team in a Haïti NGO hopital.
Five Field steam autoclaves type V90 made for an international NGO.
One of our last achievement: A Four pallets EtO sterilizer with preconditionning chamber and scrubber gas treatment.